Sunday, September - Journey of Faith
Sunday, October - Divine Revelation
Sunday , October - The Story of Salvation
Sunday, November - 10:30 am
Sunday, December - Why do I need the Church?
& Mary and the saints
Sunday, January - A Walk Through the Mass
Sunday, January - The Seven Sacraments:
Rivers of Grace
Sunday, February 12, 2023 -10:30 am
Sunday, February - Catholic Social Teaching
Sunday, March 1 - How we are organized? How
to get involved?
- Easter Vigil - Sacrament of initiation
Sunday, September - Journey of Faith
Sunday, October - Divine Revelation
Sunday , October - The Story of Salvation
Sunday, November - 11:00 am
Sunday, December - Why do I need the
Church? & Mary and the saints
Sunday, January - A Walk Through the Mass
Sunday, January - The Seven Sacraments:
Rivers of Grace
Sunday, February -9:30 am
Sunday, March - Catholic Social Teaching
Sunday, March - How we are organized? How
to get involved?
- Easter Vigil - Sacrament of initiation