The Catholic Church in Vermont is now a missionary church. 104 out of 800 families in the parish brought 31% of our Parish Goal. Thanks for all those who stepped up to help in time of need our church and parish. We are updating our projects of the parish. It is our turn to help. Please, consider your merciful gift today. If you want to donate, please, call the office.
The Christ Our Hope campaign will continue to raise funds to help our parish realize its vision and provide endowment fudning for faith formation efforts and Catholic Charities emergency services througout the state. The Campaign will be managed by the Vermont Catholic Foundations. Find our more information at www.christourhopevt.org
If you are interested, please, contact Donna/ Reynold at the office: ph: 802-334-5066 / E:mail: finance@materdeivermont.com
St. Edward the Confessor Church, Derby Line:
Mold removal is scheduled to begin on June 20th and is expected to take 3 weeks to one month to complete. Sunday morning Mass will be held in the Parish Hall. Monday Adoration and Wednesday and Friday 5:30 pm Masses will be in the Chapel. No funerals will be held at St. Edward’s while the repairs are ongoing.
Plans are also underway to replace the sound system and we are getting estimates to replace and install the Sacristy doors. Mater Dei’s Finance Council has approved these projects.
St. Edward’s has received a $7,500 Safety Grant from the Diocese.
St. James the Greater Church, Island Pond
The following repair list was submitted and approved by the Finance Committee:
Replace Storm Windows
Repair and Paint Window Casings
Repair and Paint 3 Cupolas
Handicapped Ramp
Resurface and Mark Parking Area
Repair Concrete Steps and Front Doors
Property Survey
Replace Carpet
Work on Benches and Insulation
St. James has raised $58,000 through a letter-writing fundraising campaign and has received a $7,500 Safety Grant from the Diocese for the handicapped ramp.
St. Mary, Star of the Sea Church, Newport
The Finance Committee approved the purchase of a new boiler for St. Mary’s Church.
Carpet in St. Mary’s Rectory has been replaced throughout the downstairs and up the stairs to the second floor. The kitchen ceiling and lights will need to be replaced because of water damage. Insurance paid the entire cost of the repairs except for a $500 deductible.
Installation of the round stained-glass windows is expected to begin on August 15th and take approximately one month to complete.
Pointing of the Church by Giroux Masonry is scheduled to resume in September.
St. Benedict Labre Church, West Charleston
St. Benedict’s final Mass will be celebrated on Monday, July 11 at 11:00 am. The Church will be decommissioned at that time.
Church benches will be donated to St. James. Parishioners are being encouraged to select items of sentimental value from the Church to keep.
The Church building will be demolished. The Finance Council is presently reviewing estimates.