St. Benedict’s Meeting Minutes
February 3, 2020
prayer by Father Rijo
Present: Father Rijo, Sherie Lucas, Jeanine Morelli, Sherry Lefebvre - co-coordinator, Father Rijo, Sue Laliberte, Nadine Sheltra, Pauline Labor – co-coordinator/secretary.
Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.
Unfinished business: A big thank you was given to all present for their part in decorating St. Benedict’s for the Christmas season. Another big thank you to Jeanine and her husband for removing the decorations following the holidays, sorting the items, and storing them in one area in the sacristy.
Because of a lack of volunteers available to clean the church, the following have agreed to clean on extra week during the month of February beginning with Jeanine-Feb. 8
th; Sherie-Feb. 15
th; Pauline-22
nd; Margaret-Feb. 29
Revisiting the time on Sunday’s to begin the
rosary – Sherie has been asked to start the rosary at 11:10 am.
A date for the Spring
meal was discussed. It has been scheduled for April 26
th following the 11:30 am Mass.
New business: It was noted that there is a lack of
information at St. Benedict’s should anyone be interested in knowing the names of the priests, their contact information, and the times of the Mass. This information will now be posted on the front entrance to the church.
Coin folders will be distributed on February 16
th in preparation for the beginning of Lent. Parishioners are encouraged to fill the coin folders in the amount of $10.00 during the Lenten season. The money will remain in the parish and serve those needing assistance.
At St. Benedict’s during Lent, the Way of the Cross will be on Sunday’s and will begin at 11am. The following will be taking part on the following Sunday’s:
March 1st – Nadine, Jeanine, Pauline;
March 8th – Sherie, Sherry, Jeanine, and Sue;
March 15th – Sherie, Sherry, Jeanine, Nadine;
March 29th – Sherie, Nadine, Jeanine;
April 5th – Sherie, Nadine, Jeanine. Roger Sheltra will also be asked to take part.
Palm Sunday, April 5
th for the 11:30 am Mass, two lectors and one server will be needed. Lynn, Jeanine, and Sue will be asked to do the readings and to serve.
Holy Week ceremonies – Sherry asked if anyone would be available to help either at St. Mary’s or St. James on Holy Thursday and/or at Good Friday rituals. Needed are EOM’s, lectors, apostles, and participants for the procession on Holy Thursday.
Father Rijo gave a presentation on the upcoming
Christ Our Hope campaign initiated to raise $10 million dollars in three years for all parishes in the state. 60 – 100% of local contributions can be returned to the Mater Dei Parish community depending on the amount of money Mater Dei is able to receive from pledges from donors.
Members agreed that
refreshments were a plus during our meetings and the following members agreed to bring refreshments for our upcoming meetings. Pauline – February; Jeanine – March 2
nd; Sherie - April 6
th;; Sue - May 4
th; Sherry - June 1
st.; and Nadine – July 6
A card was signed by all for Laurent (Larry) Levreault’s 94
th birthday on February 7
th. To celebrate his birthday, a gathering will take place at 3 pm on Thursday, February 6
th at the Bel-Aire Center, Newport, Vt.
Respectfully submitted - Pauline Labor